casa-esperanca-castracao-07-09-2016_03The House of Hope, a unit of the House of Light on the Hill dedicated to the assistance to the Animal Kingdom, conducted another day of castration free of charge on September 7. Animals from the towns of Carmo da Cachoeira, Três Corações and Varginha, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were assisted. This time the priority rested on the cats, because many females are undergoing a period of estrus, a phenomenon that is more frequent during spring.

casa-esperanca-castracao-07-09-2016_0527 animals were operated: 8 female cats, 3 cats, 2 dogs and 14 female dogs. Four animals came from the city of Três Corações and two from Varginha. One female dog assisted was rescued from the landfill site of Carmo da Cachoeira, where many dogs are often abandoned.
In another room, a dog that remained interned in a veterinarian clinic for several weeks after being abandoned with a fracture in the spine and a deep wound in the hind leg, received therapeutic procedures. The animals, still without movements in the hind legs, was sent to the Park of the Kingdoms of the House of Light on the Hill, where it will continue its recovery. Other seven dogs with different clinic problems were assisted.


The surgeries were in charge of the veterinarian-surgeon Roberto Melado and his team, composed by his sons Reinaldo and Fernando Melado, and by the veterinarian Guilherme Papini, all from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Other four volunteers collaborated in the support. The service took place from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

“Castration has many benefits and improves the life conditions both of the cats and the dogs. In the case of females, it diminishes the risk of breast cancer, avoids serious uterine infections and non-desired pregnancy, decreasing the quantity of abandoned animals and mistreats. In the males, it avoids escapes that may lead to accidents and fights against other males, reduces territory demarcation, avoids testicles cancer and prostate problems”, explained Tatiana Ferreira Figueiredo, the coordinator of the castration service of House of Hope.


“In general, castrated animals become more peaceful, sociable and less nervous. According to scientific investigations, castration may prolong animal life for at least five years. It is a great tool to reduce the amount of animals without guardian, cases of abandonment, mistreats, street violence and illness contagion”, she continued.

The House of Hope, located in Carmo da Cachoeira, renders the free service of castration with the support of donations (resources for veterinarian honoraries and other expenses, such as medicines, surgery material, etc.). The donations may be done through the House of Light on the Hill, affiliated with the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.

Additional Information may be requested at:

House of Light on the Hill
Rua Dom Inocêncio, 2 – Caixa Postal 82
Carmo da Cachoeira, MG, Brasil – CEP: 37.225-000
+55 (35) 98862-3260
+55 (35) 3225-1223