The therapeutic support that the House of Light on the Hill, affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, offers to the communities of the South of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, reached for the first time the city of Ilicínea, 125 km from its central headquarters in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais. Thirty-four persons, mostly cancer patients attended to by the new organization “Unindo Vidas, House of Support to Oncologic Patients”, were assisted.

mutirao-terapeutico-pacientes-cancer-ilicinea-20-out-2016_07The service was rendered by nine collaborators of the House of Light on the Hill: one doctor, one team of four therapists that came from the Jundiaí city, State of São Paulo, two dentists and two assistants. The work was conducted on Thursday, 20th of October, from 9 a.m. thru 1 p.m. Eighteen medical-therapeutic services were rendered, with therapies of acupuncture, chromotherapy, reflexology and homeopathy. There were also sixteen dental services.

This cooperation arose after a request by the Vida Viva Association” from Boa Esperança, another institution that works with cancer patients and with which the House of Light on the Hill has been working since 2012.


Nirvânia Gerez Noguero Donadelli is a member of the group of Jundiaí that has been collaborating with the House of Light on the Hill for four years. The volunteer comments that when they are in front of a patient, they feel as mere intermediary: “it is a divine action that sparks in the patient an inner flame, which helps them find in themselves the path of healing”.

Nirvânia explains that in order for a therapeutic assistance such as the one the House of Light on the Hill offers in its ambulatory services, sometimes just once, to be effective, it is fundamental that the patient come with much faith in God. “It is in the Bible that Jesus used to heal telling the sick: your faith has healed you”.


Nirvânia also highlights the gratitude and the warmth that the helped people express in a spontaneous way. “This is what motivates us to participate in these services”, she says.

“This works us internally a lot, it helps us discover aspects that we so far did not know, we grow a lot with these experiences”, completes Sandro Roberto de Camargo, another therapist.

“This inner awakening referred by Nirvânia also takes place in us”, says Nevacil Gerez Noguero, who, together with Luciana Aparecida Gomes Noguero, completes the group of volunteers of Jundiaí.

mutirao-terapeutico-pacientes-cancer-ilicinea-20-out-2016_02bJosé Trigueirinho Netto, a spiritualistic philosopher and one of the founders of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, explains in his work “Glossário Esotérico” (Esoteric Glossary), that cancer has arisen as a way of balancing the evil engendered by the human being throughout the times. He highlights that the beings that acquire cancer balance in themselves part of the individual and collective evil of humanity, because in this process the cells of the body purify themselves intensely, liberating the substance-light that each cell has. During their crises, some individuals perceive their physical body as light. After this experience, they learn to co-exist with pain and even to transcend it.Additional information about the theme can be obtained in the books by the same author: “A Morte sem Medo e sem Culpa” (Death Without Fear or Guilt), “Caminhos para a Cura Interior” (Paths for Inner Healing) and “Hora de Curar” (Time to Heal).

mutirao-terapeutico-pacientes-cancer-ilicinea-20-out-2016_06The NGO “Unindo Vidas” (Uniting Lives), the place where the therapeutic group service took place, was created in December 2014 by the chairwoman of the institution, Débora Abelar, who dedicates herself full-time to that service. The institution functions from Monday thru Friday, from 8 a.m.. thru 11 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. thru 5 p.m. It has nine volunteers, lives on donations and on what is raised in the bazar of clothes they organize on Saturdays. “We offer everything at 2 Reals. The idea is to help who cannot pay and that they may help us too”, she clarifies.

mutirao-terapeutico-pacientes-cancer-ilicinea-20-out-2016_05bIn these moments, the organization has 51 patients officially and it develops campaigns of awareness to reach more sick people. “Unfortunately we face a very great obstacle: the prejudice of the very patients who do not even want to hear of the illness. But we work with much faith in God, because we know that in reality it is He who acts through us”, completes the volunteer.