Recognized as a human right, sports encourages integrative, creative, and humanizing practices, playing a fundamental role in the shelters of Roraima, under the management of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), because it involves children, young people and adults.

The dedication to sports in the shelters has become so intense, that in this year of 2020, the people in the shelters themselves created a sports committee, for the purpose of organizing tournaments and championships.

Rony, a Warao refugee that lives in the Janokoida Shelter, in Pacaraima, speaks about how important the practice of sports is for his people: “we Warao like sports a lot, both in Venezuela and here in Brazil. And so as to not lose this custom, we play our sports here in the shelter.”

Joy, togetherness, health, vibrancy… sports are life! It encourages interaction, helps with living better in society, contributes to learning teamwork, exercises empathy and communication, helps to generate discipline, to follow rules, and to keep busy with activities that add value to the individual life and the collective consciousness.