As in the last Saturday of each month, the 29th of July was a special day of  prayer for the Network-of-Light group of the Southern Region of Brazil, which prayed 1000 Hail Marys during the whole day. The work began at 8:00 a.m. and lasted until 3:00 p.m.

A Point-of-Light

The group of nine people, composed by members of the Network-of-Light South, pilgrims, members of the local community and of neighboring towns, gathered in the Point-of-Light of Balneário Camboriú, in Santa Catarina. The prayers were made in several languages, and offered for world peace and for all the youths of the planet.

Few members of the Network-of-Light could be present in the meeting of prayer, due to participation in the “Youth Festival for Peace”, that took place the following day in Florianópolis. Even so, the participants felt the positive results of the exercise: “We perceived that with few brothers and sisters it is possible to sustain and conduct a prayerful task when we are offering and we do it out of love”, said Giana Lenzi, the coordinator of the Network-of-Light group of Balneário Camboriú.

Maria Isabel Kafka, who participated for the first time in the Point-of-Light, reported that she “felt intense peace” and that she had the impression of “already having been in the place”. According to Giana, this sensation of well being, of joy and of finding again a familiar place is sensation commonly felt by the brothers and sisters who arrive there.


The work consisted in praying the Mysteries of the Rosary, Hail Marys and canticles that were inserted in between the prayers. The participants took turns in the hours destined to the meal, so that the exercise could extend along seven continuous hours without interruption.
