BH_Mae Divina_1The Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Belo Horizonte “Sacred Heaven”, affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, will organize on Sunday, April 10, a big Meeting of Fraternization among pilgrims-devotees of Mary. The event will be held in the Children’s House, an extension of the aforementioned Nucleus-of-Light, located at Avenida Mem de Sá, 617, Santa Efigênia, Belo Horizonte. The activity counts with the support of the Monastery Doorway of the Divine Mercy, which belongs to the Grace Mercy Order.

BH_Nucleo003“Our aim is to give an impulse to the group of pilgrims that since the first apparition of Mary here at the Nucleus of Belo Horizonte, on March 11, 2013, has been regularly meeting every Sunday at the Children’s House to pray, sing and express all their devotion to the Most Holy Virgin. We want to celebrate among all, pilgrims and collaborators, the three years of prayer”, explained Beth Picorelli, a member of the Coordinating Board of the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Belo Horizonte.

Beth said that the event, which will begin at 2 p.m., is open to all those who want to participate in a moment of union with Christ and Mary. “All the pilgrims may bring their family members, friends and acquaintances”.

Encontro dominical na Casa das Crianças

Sunday Meeting at the Children’s House

“Friar Thomas, the coordinator of the Monastery Doorway of the Divine Mercy, with headquarters in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Belo Horizonte, highlighted that “after three years keeping alive the devotional flame of union with our Divine Mother, we felt it was the right moment to give a new impulse to this group of pilgrims. They, oftentimes overcoming difficulties of physical distance or others, because many of them come from other cities, remain faithful and persistent in their inner commitment to Mary, and attend, Sunday after Sunday, the Children’s House, to perform their work of prayer and contact with the Marian energy”.

The devotees come from different cities

The friar informed that during the meeting the Project of the pilgrim bus will be launched, which will perform monthly visits to the Marian Center of Figueira.

Additional information can be obtained on the phone +55 (31) 99645-9171 or on the e-mail


– Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

– Mysteries of the Rosary

Many pilgrims have persisted for three years

– Presentation of the Choir of the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Belo Horizonte

Film: The Great Miracle

– Announcement of the new cycle of work, and time for questions made by the pilgrims

– Snack of fraternization and celebration of the three years of work of prayer at the Children’s House