Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio


Tendencies that “do not belong to them”

We have arrived at a stage, in the history of humanity, in which the interaction between the most diverse points of the planet has become instantaneous. Through a TV or a computer, people have almost immediate access to what is happening in distant regions of the globe. Time and space dissolve in a “virtual reality”, which, let us say in passing, controls in a subliminal manner, the way of thinking of the majority.

And if this interaction is intense on the material and concrete level, it is even stronger and more overwhelming on the subtle levels. People more and more perceive in themselves feelings or tendencies that “do not belong to them”. Some feel a deep oppression; others, a sudden feeling of panic. There are those who cry bitterly, without having had anything in their life contributing for that. Others are invaded by fear or taken by impetus of despair. This is due to the fact that humanity is one, in body and soul. What happens to a part of this great body reflects in the whole and is shared in different degrees by its cells.

The greatest possible harmony

The suffering that afflicts the Earth today is incalculable. Nevertheless, in the face of this fact, we cannot but ask ourselves how to mitigate such great suffering, how to contribute for this process to unravel with the greatest possible harmony.

For this, it is good to remember that, in spite of this negative charge, even greater is the help available on the spiritual levels, where chaos does not exist. But, on the other hand, the human being itself must act consciously to balance the evil actions that throughout the epochs it has engendered. This is the way we can contribute for harmony. And if we assume this task, we will notice immediate transformations in our life, with beneficial planetary consequences.

Here we present some suggestions that can be of precious help:

As you develop attention over your own actions and learn to control them, you will observe more defects and faults in your person. Do not lose time analyzing them. If you commit any mistake, decide not to repeat it and to manifest the opposite. Then, go ahead, with determination.

Do not feed guilt and resentment in yourself nor in the others. Among us there are no guilt ones, but learners; we offer to learn when we open to transformation.

Do not try to justify yourself, neither before yourself, nor before the others. Learn with the mistake and with the correction, and take the next step immediately.

Connect yourself with the innermost levels of your consciousness. Discover how to do it. Everyone knows, because it is a knowledge that is inherent in the being. Remember a moment of great difficulty in which, when turned to God, or to a higher power, you have sincerely supplicated for help. The “place” within you to which you addressed in that instant of extreme necessity is where you must return at every instant in search of union with the divinity. This silent action is deeply efficacious and transforming.

Let compassion emerge in your being. This has nothing to do with involvements or emotional demonstrations. Compassion is the understanding of the real need of someone else, the union with the essence of the beings. It is something to be lived, not described or discussed.

“Do not feed what must die. Do not sow what must not be born”.
Your fortitude will be greater the more firmly you let yourself be guided by this law.

Remember that the most important thing is your
entire and crystalline adhesion to the Truth.


Book by Trigueirinho: Mensagens reunidas, vol 1 (Collected Messages, vol 1)
Chapter: O segredo dos pioneiros diante da atual situação do planeta (The secret of the pioneers before the current situation of the planet)
Irdin Audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 591
Audio time range: from 20’11″ to 21’55″
Complete audio at: