Transforming Lives


An inner call

Sower of a pacific life, a couple complied with an inner call. Little by little, Mene and Hayla abandoned their personal lives to coordinate the Sector of the Kingdoms, which reconnects links of love among human beings, animals, plants. The sector is a branch of the House of Light on the Hill. This non-profit association, of philanthropic and beneficent nature, is an extension of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, a work of transformation of consciousness.

Both are affiliated with Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, created to help the planetary transition by means of spiritual-philosophic instruction, of group experience and abnegated service. Distributed in several countries, part of the members is consecrated to communitarian life in Centers of Love. Another part, also of faithful collaborators, builds a new pattern of behavior in their own cities.

From the Book: Lives under the Sun; By: Ana Regina Nogueira; Irdin Editora

Transforming Lives

When the inner world begins to manifest, many transformations occurr.
In this space, we will illustrate a little of the good that the FRATERNIDADE can promote.

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