Faced with the pandemic that is devastating the planet and incisively affecting the most socially and economically vulnerable, members of the House of Cristo do Bem, located in Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the group of residents of the Bairro Paula Ramos 426, Preserva Catete, Samba Sem Fome, the Rio de Janeiro Light-Network, and governmental social assistance agencies (CREAS and CRAS), carried out a campaign to collect materials for assembling basic needs baskets and donating them to families of young people in compliance with socio-educational measures that are taken care of by the House.
They raised food, cleaning material, personal hygiene items and floral medicines that were enough to attend 62 families. “How could we be indifferent at a moment like this? We needed to find a way to help these people. Each person that received the basket demonstrated their joy and contentment with a great smile”, said Bia Vergara, coordinator of the House of Cristo do Bem.
All measures were taken so that there wouldn’t be any gatherings of people. Each representative of the families would arrive in an orderly fashion to receive the donation. Bia Vergara is already organizing new partnerships to attend to more families that are going through great difficulties at this time.