In this month of June, the Meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity will take place on a Thursday, 23, at 8 p.m., in the Community-of-Light of Fraternity, in Paysandu, Uruguay. The site Mercy Mary TV will transmit the meeting live..

musica_EMCEH_ensaioThe event is produced by the Choir of the Communities-of-Light, composed by collaborators, residents, monks and nuns of the Grace Mercy Order and by the Choir of the Divine MotherAssociation Mary. They are people of different nationalities that produce and perform songs aiming at asking for Peace and Mercy for the planet.

‘We, of the Choir of the Communities-of-Light, seek in music a different way to solve the problems, by means of the upliftment and healing of humanity’, explains Friar Paulo, a monk of the Grace Mercy Order.

This upliftment and healing that takes place through music also includes all the life that inhabits the planet.

‘When we sing to the Kingdoms of Nature, I believe we are conducting different tasks. We propagate through the harmony of sound and the content of the lyrics the virtues that we must express in the relationship with these Kingdoms, such as Love, Reverence, Compassion and Respect for the minerals, plants and animals. There is no Healing nor Upliftment without the participation of the Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity needs to awaken to the importance of living in Union with them’, said Mother Maria del Huerto, a nun of the Grace Mercy Order.

In this meeting, six songs will be presented:

1- Shekinah
2- Devocionário a la Divina Misericórdia
3- Som Consagrado
4- Al encuentro de la Luz (Instrumental)
5- Sopro do Espírito
6- Surrender (oferta ecuménica)

Watch the meeting live here