agricultura_biodinamica_clc_3_vivencia_1The Experience of Biodynamic Agriculture was organized by the House of Light on the Hill, affiliated with the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, and Espaço Recanto da Folha, from Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, and had its third meeting on Saturday, the 17th of September.

This time the event called “‘Sowing and planting love with kids and youths on Earth’” gathered permanent volunteers of the House of Light on the Hill with the objective of forming multiplying agents who can extend the knowledge to other interested publics. Also a family of agriculturists from Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, participated.

agricultura_biodinamica_clc_3_vivencia_6The group continued with the tasks begun in the previous meetings, such as revitalization of the soil where is the vegetable garden in the form of a mandala created in the House of Light on the Hill and the preparation of a fermented compost.
“We took advantage of all available resources: dry grass leaves, cow and horse manure brought from the Park of the Kingdoms and a biodynamic preparation created previously to accelerate and harmonize the fermentation of the compost. This biological fertilizer, which will be ready in two months from now, will be put into the plants and in the vegetable garden to help the soil recover its chemical and physical balance”, described Aly Batista, environmental technician and eco-educator from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for the course.

agricultura_biodinamica_clc_3_vivencia_7Also a variety of forage legume that collaborates in the process of soil revitalization as it catches the air nitrogen and fixes it in the soil through its roots.

In another moment of the course the theoretical part was developed, with a clarification of doubts of the participants. “We did a specific work with the family that participated – parents and daughter – who are conventional agriculturists who use a lot of agrochemicals. I became very touched and willing to concentrate more in the families of the rural community. It would be good to sensitize the rural producers about the losses brought about by the agrochemicals in all the Kingdoms of Nature and in humans, as well as offer them the options of the biodynamic agriculture so that they can replace their practices by methods that act in harmony with the whole Creation”, commented Aly.

agricultura_biodinamica_clc_3_vivencia_4The technician responsible for the course also explained that biodynamic agriculture works as an energetic impulse for the Plant Kingdom (seeds, seedlings and plants), as well as for the Mineral Kingdom (soil where the cultivation is done) and for the Animal Kingdom (insects and annelids that contribute to the soil). He explained that this construction takes place with a group of people – Human Kingdom – in unity (children, youths and adults) who work focusing a common objective: the production of healthy food.