Tuesday, December 13

Teleconference with Mirnuk, Manager of Institutional Relations of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, and Colonel Doriedson, of the Civil Defense of the city of Boa Vista. They exchanged information about the works that are taking place in the CRI – Center of Reference to the Immigrant, and about the theme of the Indigenous and non-Indigenous refugees from Venezuela, highlighting the need to organize projects for the maintenance of a structure of help to the refugees, but also to create conditions for the development of self-sustainable citizens.

“We felt that in this contact, in this union between the Fraternidade and the Civil Defense, a seed is being planted for what will be built in the future, step by step. We  perceive that behind this apparent daily routine of food-raising, donations, preparation and offering of food, medical assistance, assistance to the emergency cases and activities for the children, something very important is being built. It is a seed so that someday these brothers and sisters who are arriving from Venezuela may have a worthy life, their family, their job, their place”, said Friar Salvador, of the Grace Mercy Order and member of the Humanitarian Roraima Mission.

TV team makes a report about the CRI and interviews member of the Network-of-Light, Civil Defense and Venezuelan collaborators.

Venezuelan refugee child is taken to hospital due to a skin disease.

At night, dinner was served in the CRI.