Reports of the Network-of-Light – texts sent by volunteers from the group of service

Last Wednesday, 17, we left for service in the community of Morrinhos IV, in Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil, to conduct the task we use to do weekly, but which on this day happened in a different way.

We were united to Centenary of the Apparitions in Fátima, Portugal, and imbued with the spirit of one of the main aspects of the Message in Portugal: “to offer to the world a horizon of hope, which is the certainty of the presence of God, sowing love, peace and prayer”.

Before continuing, I make a remark to portrait a fact: last year, we took to São Paulo a donation bound to the Community-of-Light of Figueira, and, upon unloading the car, and, confirming the existence of the Law of Manifestation and of the Law of Necessity (see Glossário Esotérico – Esoteric Glossary, pages 236 and 237), we had the happy surprise of receiving another donation for our brothers and sisters from Morrinhos IV, and, together with this donation, an image of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, which we brought with much zeal. On that occasion, we internally knew that the image would not belong to the group, but we did not have clear to whom donate it. As keepers of the image, we took it to the Apparition of Our Lady in Campinas, in 2016, where it was consecrated, and it remained under the cares of the group to this moment.

On that Wednesday, as usual, we did the whole distribution of food in the Community, and, in the end, we decided to offer the image of Our Lady to the community, leaving it under the care of Mz Rosangela, who gave her “Yes” quite readily, filling us with joy.

In the community, they agreed among them that the image would be a pilgrim, and they would begin this pilgrimage in the very community, among the houses of the families, and that they would report the results of the offerings of the novenas and the other prayers they would say.

We felt a new cycle is opening. And as Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone” (Mathews 4:4, we are sure this Sacred Centenary and the whole group attunement with the source of the Kingdom of Lys will bring a deepening in the activities of service of the Network-of-Light group of Guarujá and Peace to the community.