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The House of Light on the Hill, affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, has organizes a visit of the children of the House of Art Education to the Hill of Apparitions, in the Marian Center of Figueira. The Activity, which had the participation of various parents, took place last Saturday, May 7, and had the objective of praying for the families of the whole planet.

Those present walked, in the early hours of the morning, the different sites of prayer of the Hill – the Portal of Peace, the Steeple, the Chapel of the Glorified Christ and the House of the Immaculate Peace – and offered canticles and prayers in each place to the Virgin Mary and to Christ Jesus.

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Afterwards they moved to the House of Light on the Hill, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, where they featured a session of recreational activities with drawings and chant. Nuns of the Grace Mercy Order and monitors of the House of Art Education accompanied the activities.

On the same day, the House of Light on the Hill paid homage to the mothers, congregating in its headquarters humble women of Carmo da Cachoeira and their children, for whom they conduct a work of social and spiritual assistance.

About 30 minors and mothers of the neighborhoods of Bom Retiro and São José. These gathered during the sunny morning of Saturday to share games, a meal and a lot of joy.

Maria da Luz Yung (Maluh), the coordinator of the social work that has been carried out with these families for three years, explained that they are people who live in places of much violence, drugs and alcohol, where the minors oftentimes are the victims of negligence and grow on the streets, exposed to all kinds of dangers.

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‘To the best of our ability, we try to protect these children, offering in the House of Light on the Hill activities of recreation, art, music, prayers, basic health care, meals; always seeking to create the conditions for them to be in contact with God’, said the volunteer. The service is rendered to children ages 1 thru 17, in groups of ten minors per shift. There are hours in the morning and afternoon, three times a week.

At noon, both groups – the one of the House of Art Education and the one coordinated by Maluh – met in the refectory to share the lunch. Laughters and childish waggery filled the place with magic and color.