Since the beginning of the manifestation of the Planetary Center* of Aurora, located in Paysandú, Uruguay, the Network-of-Light group of Argentina Center and South has been collaborating in the task of support and sustenance of the place. Throughout the years it has assumed different fronts of work and the group remains until today conducting rhythms in the facilities of the Center: the Community-of-Light of Fraternity, House of Redemption and the Marian Center of Aurora.   

*”Vortex that channels to the Earth the energies and the impulses emanated by the Planetary Logos, by the Solar Logos or by broader cosmic sources. The planetary centers are focal points of universal energy on the planet, as they act based on supramental planes. They permit the light to pervade the several levels of terrestrial life and lead them to the target they must achieve (…)” – from the book Glossário Esotérico (Esoteric Glossary) – by Trigueirinho – pg 59.

The trips of the Argentinian collaborators to Aurora take place in several ways, but the task has lately received a new structure and started to be called “Argentina in Aurora”. The objective is to foster and organize the integration of brothers and sisters for group trips already with a defined work agenda. “We learned in time that the act of sustaining a Community-of-Light is a task that does not depend only on financial donations, but also on the physical and fraternal presence”, said Gladys Romero, the coordinator of the Network-of-Light of Argentina.

To help the activities, the group keeps a secretary of the Network-of-Light of Argentina specially dedicated to Aurora, which operates in the city of Buenos Aires, and has the task of concentrating the energies, facilitating for the collaborators the organization of the trips and the gathering of the donations that will be sent.

The Network-of-Light of Argentina
The Network-of-Light of Argentina is composed of three regions: North, Center and South.

The Secretary “Argentina in Aurora” organizes the activities of the Network-of-Light groups Center (Buenos Aires) and South (Patagonia). These two groups give support to the Community-of-Light of Fraternity and to the Marian Center or Aurora, whereas the Network-of-Light of Argentina North supports the Community-of-Light of the Brotherhood and the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, both located in the state of Cordoba.

Monthly rhythms
The trips of “Argentina in Aurora” currently take place once a month, and are scheduled according to the calendar of the Community-of-Light, the tasks of prayer of the Network-of-Light and of the events of the pilgrimages of the Divine Messengers.

“We always choose a weekend, so that the people who work can participate. But the possibility for the brothers and sisters to stay longer in the Community-of-Light is always open”, explained Gladys.

The convocations to the trips are made for all the members of the Network-of-Light Center and South of Argentina, and from there the people begin to confirm their participation and the means of transportation they will use, such as buses or private cars.

“This task of the trips to the Communities-of-Light has changed throughout the time, and this is very good, because the proposal renews itself constantly and the collaborators feel this. The proposal of the trips “Argentina in Aurora” is to offer to the collaborators the opportunity of planning their own trip, some remaining for more days, some staying at hotels near the Community. We feel that each one lives this trip just right”, commented Gladys.

During the period of the trip, the group participates in moments of attunement and of prayer and collaborates with several practical tasks in the Community-of-Light, such as painting and harmonization of areas and of gardens. The activities have the participation of residents of the Community and of monastics of the Grace Mercy Order.

To facilitate the work related to the practical tasks, the Secretary of Argentina dedicated to Aurora gets in touch with the Secretary of the Community-of-Light some weeks before the trip and organizes everything according to the needs of the moment.

“If it is necessary to paint an area, the team of “Argentina in Aurora” organizes the donations to buy the materials, the group of brothers and sisters who will participate and the days needed to complete the task”, explained the coordinator.

The last trip of the group was in June and lasted three days. The main practical task was to paint and harmonize the House of Lodging for R2. For this, the group raised funds for the purchase of the materials needed for the task, and also brought donations of candles, incense, clothes for the residents and helped the purchase of a pressure washer.

The next trip “Argentina in Aurora” will take place on the first weekend of August, from Friday 4 to Sunday 6, when the group will participate in the Marathon of the Divine Mercy. As a task, it is scheduled the collaboration in the purchase of an awning of a vehicle of the Community and the harmonization of the Garden of the Portal of Peace.

“The result of these trips has been very positive and has fostered a renewal in the task of sustenance of the Community. We understand that we always have to find ways to renew our vows of service for the Communities-of-Light, and these trips have been very helpful for this”, concluded Gladys.

Information about “Argentina in Aurora”, with Gladys or Tabor: