Cancer 3: Planetary Illness
Healing of human evil

Today we live, as a civilization and as a planet, times of deep transformations, which affect us directly or indirectly, in different degrees and ways.

On the one hand, humanity as a whole lets itself be “enchanted” by progress, by the “modernities”, comforts and by the almost invasive offer of new consumer goods that science, technology and human greed puts us in contact with every day.

On the other hand, the immense and acute unbalance is more and more disseminated, fruit of this destructive and selfish behavior, oriented to the endless consumption of the planetary goods and resources. The sad result of all this becomes evident in the serious situation of physical, moral and spiritual misery; of suffering and oppression; of conflicts, cruelties and wars disseminated throughout all the continents. In short, a dense and somber state of chaos spreads like an uncontrollable epidemic, infecting the whole of human and planetary consciousness, feeding it with the most diverse fears: of death, of pain, of suffering, of disease, of suffering losses and of the unknown.

In this way, the cycle of cruelty, of violence and of disease is perpetuated. Because of this, earthly science, in spite of the intense efforts and researches, does not manage to dominate cancer, because its healing does not take place in the level of science, but in the level of consciousness.

Trigueirinho clarifies us again with a ray of light of his instruction. Listen to the lecture linked at the end of this page, to deepen the theme.

And our Father and divine Instructor Saint Joseph continues in his message of October 28, 2016:

Sow love in human consciousness, making of your own lives a garden of peace, in which the fraternal actions are fertile and generate hope for this world. 

Peace must be a permanent exercise in your consciousnesses. You must make the constant exercise of pacifying, forgiving and reconciling yourselves. Cut the root of wars and of the conflicts of the world, beginning with yourselves. Follow the example of He who first pacified Himself and who, being the Son of God, full of wisdom and Grace, renounced His Will, His opinion, His Majesty and His Power and remained in silence on the cross of the redemption of the sins of the world, so that all could have a path, a truth, an example for life.

Accompany next week the Part 4, which will end this little Study about Cancer.

Texto: Friar Ameino
Audio: Lecture by Trigueirinho
Complete áudio of the lecture at: (from 0’5’’ thru 1’40’’)
Additional information at: