The Irdin Editora has made available in its webpage the collection of áudios “The Infinite Panorama of the Rays”, composed of 36 complete lectures by José Trigueirinho Netto from 1985 thru 2009. They comprise twenty hours of recording about the theme of the Rays, available in a portable memory device (pen-drive). The material was recorded live in Portuguese.

Complete series

The material contains two complete series about the Rays. The first series, “Life in the Rays”, comes in a first part. The second series, “In the vastness of the Rays”, composes the second part. The material includes a third part, with complete separate lectures about the same theme. The audios are ordered didactically, and the theme is presented to the listener and is developed and deepened as the recordings advance.

Original Audios

The audios are in MP3 format, and a great part of them had not been published in digital format, they had only been launched previously in cassette.


The material offers to the listener the instruction of themes such as: the meaning of the Rays, their importance in our lives, what each one of them represents, the correct relationship of the human being with the Rays, among others.

“The so-called Rays are expressions of energies, and to say we are expressions of Rays means we exist as a manifestation of these energies. Each one of us, each planet, each solar system, is an expression of Rays. Nevertheless, on a deeper level, there is something of an unfathomable mystery”. From the book A Energia dos Raios em Nossas Vidas (The Energy of the Rays in Our Lives, in free translation), by Trigueirinho.

“The passing of internal and external life derives from the action of the Rays. The correct relationship of the human being with these energies is necessary for the higher evolution that the planet currently attains. Recognizing their goals and dynamics is a condition for us to collaborate with intelligence in the cosmic work of uniting the material with the spiritual”. From the book Glossário Esotérico, by Trigueirinho.

See the content of the collection:


1st Part:

Series: Life in the Rays

Os Raios no homem (The Rays in the human being)
Parar de pedir – 1º Raio (Stop asking – 1st Ray)
Quando a vontade atua – 1º Raio (When the will acts – 1st Ray)
Os temperamentos de vontade-poder – 1º Raio (The temperaments of will and power – 1st Ray)
Histórias de amor-sabedoria – 2º Raio (Stories of love-wisdom – 2nd Ray)
O que a sabedoria nos traz – 2º Raio (What wisdom brings us – 2nd Ray)
A atividade inteligente – 3º Raio (Intelligent Activity – 3rd Ray)
Qualidades e ilusões da pessoa ativa – 3º Raio (Qualities and illusions of the active person – 3rd Ray)
Harmonia através do conflito – 4º Raio (Harmony through conflict – 4th Ray)
Realidade intuitiva em um grupo – 4º Raio (Intuitive Reality in a group – 4th Ray)
Nossa mente superior e a outra mente – 5º Raio (Our higher mind and the other mind – 5th Ray)
Contatos com a alma e a dúvida – 5º Raio (Contacts with the soul and doubt – 5th Ray)
Estágios da devoção – 6º Raio (Stages of devotion – 6th Ray)
A energia persistente – 6º Raio (The persistente energy – 6th Ray)
Uma gota no oceano – 7º Raio (A drop in the ocean – 7th Ray)
A consciência é livre – 7º Raio (Consciousness is free – 7th Ray)
Grupos de hoje – 7º Raio (Groups of today – 7th Ray)
A descoberta dos próprios Raios (The Discovery of one’s own Rays)

2nd Part:

Series: In the Vastness of the Rays

As potentes expressões dos Raios (The potent expressions of the Rays)
Destruir para libertar – 1º Raio (Destroying to liberate – 1st Ray)
A mutação contínua – 2º Raio (Continuous mutation – 2nd Ray)
Como eu devo saber – 3º Raio (How I must know – 3rd Ray)
Poder sobre o conflito – 4º Raio (Power over conflict – 4th Ray)
A importância das noites da alma – 5º Raio (The importance of the nights of the soul – 5th Ray)
Viver a ciência da alma – 5º Raio (To live the Science of the soul – 5th Ray)
Além de todas as ilusões – 6º Raio (Beyond all illusions – 6th Ray)
Crises de devoção – 6º Raio (Crises of devotion – 6th Ray)
Objetivos da alma – 6º Raio (Objectives of the soul – 6th Ray)
Uma energia típica de hoje – 7º Raio (A typical energy of today – 7th Ray)
Uma outra visão do sexo – 7º Raio (Another approach on sex – 7th Ray)

3rd Part:

Mais luz sobre o estudo dos Raios (More light on the study of the Rays)
A energia dos Raios em nossa vida (The energy of the Rays in our life)
Como trabalhar com os Raios (How to work with the Rays)
A Libertação (Liberation)
Sermos os Raios (Being the Rays)
Conclusão do estudo dos Raios (Conclusion of the studies of the Rays)

Additional information here