Light-Nucleus Sacred House of Mary Mother of Sao Paulo

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Set in Granja Viana, Carapicuíba, since 1990, the Figueira Light-Nucleus in São Paulo creates the conditions for expression and development for all those who aspire to peace and fraternal co-existence. Through studies, meetings, retreats, prayer and service, this spiritual Nucleus deepens the search for a new state of consciousness in group life and in selfless actions.

The Kingdoms Sector of the São Paulo Light-Nucleus is dedicated to preserving a small preserve of native forest where the property is located, and to cultivate an area of approximately 500 square meters of agroforestry, an orchard, vegetable garden and flower garden. The area is offered for volunteer work in activities for cultivation, preservation of seeds, maintenance and care of the external areas as a precious opportunity to put the soul in an open and healing state of gratitude for the Kingdoms of Nature: Human, Plant, Mineral and Animal.

Some of those activities take place in the surrounding region, where the Service Sector is active weekly in workshops with children of the Carapicuíba community. This work is done by volunteers that guide the children in various educational and play activities, such as weaving, knitting, drawing, theater and cooperative games. The Service Sector also organizes a pilgrimage for families of the Carapicuíba community to travel to the Marian Center of Figueira; it provides support to the Pastoral da Criança (Children’s Pastoral), and joins the young collaborators of the Light-Nucleus in various activities.

In the Instruction and Dissemination of the Teachings Sector of the São Paulo Light-Nucleus, the goal is the development and expansion of consciousness through the vast material that encompasses the whole Work of the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF). For this, the sector organizes meetings for group study, besides giving and distributing books, recorded studies and newsletters that address the various branches of the work.

Also in the Light-Nucleus is the Divine Trinity Monastery, connected to the Grace Mercy Order. Contact with the monastic liturgy occurs in daily meetings of prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which represent moments of profound spiritual connection and a drawing closer to the energy of the consecrated life.

Areas of experience: Selfless Service, Group Living, Education, Art and Culture, Care of Nature and Ecumenical and Spiritual Activities.


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Corporate Name: Associação Núcleo-Luz de Figueira em São Paulo – Sagrada Casa de Maria, Mãe Paulista
CNPJ: 27.173.592/0001-08

Ag: 0167
C/C: 24.089-4