Light-Nucleus Sacred Heaven
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
The Light-Nucleus Sagrado Céu (Sacred Heaven) is located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, where it works on and develops projects aimed at an awakening and expansion of consciousness. The construction of the building, in 1986, came before the foundation of the Figueira Light-Community, which occurred the next year.
The starting point, which is always present, is the experience of a fraternal group life, joined with the One Consciousness.
From this perspective, a daily rhythm of various practical activities open to everyone was developed: food preparation, gardening, horticulture, dehydration of vegetables and fruits, transportation, maintenance, care of dogs, as well as activities related to the choir and the healing sector.
Currently, because of the pandemic, and without being able to count on the physical presence of collaborators and those interested in participating in the work, these activities continue, but with the necessary adjustments.
In the Light-Nucleus is the Monastery Porta da Divina Misericórdia (Door of Divine Mercy), connected with the Grace Mercy Order (GMO), that shares daily liturgies and vivifies and radiates the energy of Consecrated Life.
Areas of activity: Selfless Service, Care of Nature, Group Living and Ecumenical and Spiritual Activities.
Contact: nucleobh@comunidadefigueira.org.br
Kindly cooperate with our activities
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Corporate name: Casa Luz do Caminho
CNPJ: 04.157.738/0001-18
Bank Itaú S/A
Ag: 6313
C/C: 08647-9