Fulfill himself

As has been seen thus far, the development of Hercules is accompanied by a great Being who presides the inner values of human beings. Responsible for accompanying the growth of a great number of souls, on the level in which they live and have their consciousness, this Being radiates what is necessary for the hero in this period of his life on the Earth, so that he can fulfill himself as a spiritually conscious individual. The great Being perceives, then, that Hercules needs to pass a test that evokes his balance and discernment. Thus, a new task awaits him: to capture a boar that devastated lands.

Listen to the audio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio

What is verified here is that, up to a certain point of the evolution of humanity, the task of dominating and transforming desire is considered difficult, heavy and sad, besides worrisome. After a certain moment, when the being is accustomed to surrendering to purification, the work on entrenched human desire becomes a light weight, faced with joviality and joy. As the person aligns their personality with the energies of their own inner self, they indulges in the joy of this nucleus, which does not know the common pains of the emotional and of the mental bodies.

It is known that desire cannot be controlled by physical force and neither by thought only. And the desire always returns, if it is not treated by means of other processes.

Then, a new cycle

Let us take food as an example. At first, the human being, still instinctive, eats with gluttony, and thus spends countless incarnations, until its physical body gives signs of tiredness, or of diseases brought about by excess of food intake or by poor digestion. Then, a series of lives take place in which it eats no longer for gluttony, but to remain healthy, a condition it has learned to value. Then, in a new cycle, the human being eats to improve the vibration of its own body, to use it in the service of the soul that dwells in it.

In past times, who felt guilty remained corroded by it, and thus, even underwent stages of purification. Nowadays, however, the feeling of guilt has no longer a reason to be in the life of humans.

There is no guilt, there is no error, but experience

The real way to look at a past action is to face it as already done. In itself, it cannot be undone, as it is not possible, in truth, to retrocede. An already practiced act cannot be erased nor altered. What can be done is to recognize it very clearly, see its consequences (to the extent that it can be done) and, then, to decide not to repeat it again. With this energy, which is the power of decision, half the way is trodden in the trajectory of eliminating the feeling of guilt. The rest comes next: after deciding to no longer repeat a negative act, the person begins to practice an opposite act. Thus, the universe balances again. There is no guilt, there is no error, but experience, which generates a more mature behavior.

As we have already had opportunity to state, beings of higher evolution are mixing their consciousness with the consciousness of the Earth, and the latter, as a planet, is being imbued with solar consciousness. There is no way, for the time being, to confirm this statement, although the majority of human beings already feels its truth in the depth of their own being. When the Works of Hercules were revealed to the world, they already contained, in their final stages, the joy that forecast the times of today: the human being adjusts its vibratory patterns to those of the Only Spirit. It begins to rise, after so much time in which it remained “fallen” in guilt.

Article from the newspaper “O Tempo”: A verdadeira vitória é vencer a si para transformar o mundo (“The true victory is to overcome oneself to transform the world”, in free translation)
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