The Nucleus-of-Light in Belo Horizonte – Sacred Heaven, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, conducted on April 11 and 12 the first Voluntary Group Service of the Trees. In the two days of meeting, four tons of plant material were gathered, among branches, leaves and trunks.

nucleo_luz_BH_arvores5About thirty people participated in the service, which aims at conducting activities for the Plant Kingdom, especially the trees. The team was composed by Missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, monks of the Grace Mercy Order, the Group of the Trees of the Community-of-Light of Figueira and collaborators of the Nucleus-of-Light of the Sacred Heaven.

The two days of intense work started with a syntony, followed by the practical activities: tree pruning, cleaning and harmonization of the external area of the Nucleus.

nucleo_luz_BH_arvores4The Group of attendance to the Plant Kingdom and big trees, also known as the Group of the Trees, has existed since the foundation of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, in 1987, and uses to conduct meetings and participate in activities such as this one.

Part of the resulting material from the pruning and cutting conducted by the Voluntary Group Service, weighing 2.6 tons, was taken to a Waste Treatment Facility (WTF). In Addition, twenty-nine pieces of trunk were processed, plus two hundred kilos of other material destined for wood and composting.

‘It was a more intense look to the Plant Kingdom, a very necessary work of support to this kingdom in the Nucleus’, said Beth Picorelli – a member of the Coordinating Board of the Nucleus-of-Light in Belo Horizonte – Sacred Heaven.