The sea waves touch the beach, and leave on it samples of what exists in the ocean and, upon returning, bring with them many grains of sand; they drag them without asking whether or not they want to leave to far away places, to deep regions, or even to reach other beaches.

The Great Ocean holds many mysteries, hides the pearly which, in glory to the One, is woven with infinite care and, kept in the shell of silence, becomes the inner treasure.

This Ocean, in its vastness, holds the secrets of life and of death; it its rhythm, it holds the wisdom of the Creation; in its movement, the reflection of the Immutable; It reflects the light of the stars, of the sun and of the moon, and brings the Universe in its own life-substance. Diving in the great ocean of consciousness, the treasures are found which are always available to whom truly search for them.

If the Ocean is calm, it is to prepare the next movement of the waves; if it presents itself stirred, it is to hide the serenity of the depths. There is no human being who, having dived in its waters, has not been transformed and, in wisdom, has not been led to glimpse at eternity, even if unconsciously.

Turning inside and recognizing the seeds of the standards that must be expressed, it is necessary to bring them to manifestation, which demands openness to the overcoming of the current limits. It is not about relinquishing the compliance with the laws of the material life of today, but about inserting in its context the infinite possibilities brought by the higher, divine laws.

The human being is like a ship amidst the ocean. Their consciousness is the rudder, heading them to the shores where they will dock. In this great ocean there are warm and cold streams, as well as clear and turbid, but all of them are, in essence, composed of the same substance. In this way, the one who has recognized this essential quality of the sea of life transcends the external structures that inform the different philosophies. They know that, no matter what tides or currents that may arise, they will always be over the waters.

In order for the work of a server to be accomplished, having faith is necessary. Only through faith does their consciousness become receptive to what is higher. It is not gesture, words or attitudes that permit the stability of the energy, but the absence of doubts. Faith is like a firm pole that can fix the sails of a boat and let them receive the wind that will put in motion. Without faith it is not possible to proceed.

A server does not choose destiny nor goal, but they let them be chosen by the inner life. They do not aspire nor plan, as they know their route is defined and what they need in order to proceed awaits them on the bank of the path.

Article of reference: Jornal O Tempo, Nov 1, 2015
Name of the article: Precisamos nos abrir à superação dos limites atuais (We need to open ourselves to the overcoming of the current limits)
Irdin áudio: Conversas com  Trigueirinho nº 640
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