The pedagogical coordinator of Emergency Pedagogy, Brazil and International, Reinaldo Nascimento, gave his testimony about the Seminar on Education in Emergency Situations and Humanitarian Responses that took place between October 31 and November 3, in Carmo da Cachoeira, MG, in the Light-Community of Figueira.

According to Reinaldo, this event, organized by the the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Missions, affiliated with the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation FIHF, was more than an event with a lot of information and content: “It was not a seminar on education, it was a seminar of co-existence (…) it was a meeting planned to generate discussion and create collaboration among people of different humanitarian organizations and movements,” he comments.

He highlights that the continuity created in the four days – with discussions, workshops and exchanges, the beauty, the organization, the spirit of fraternity and all the details done with care, allowed for everyone to be able to see, understand and experience “education as a path to encounter life with”, as was highlighted in the event.

“We talk about globalization, but people are still talking about the economic part, and we forget to speak about the human part (…) We can’t create union and forget one half of it. We can’t make a league and forget those who do not speak our language”, Reinaldo invites us to reflect and to take action toward union, equality and fraternity.

Reinaldo was one of the speakers and workshop facilitators, who touched on the topic of Emergency Pedagogy, of which he is the pedagogical coordinator. In his conference, he spoke about:

  • Characteristics of traumas;
  • Types of traumas;
  • Stages and intervention of Trauma Pedagogy;
  • Continunity/methodology of meetings within Emergency Pedagogy;
  • The school as a safe place.