The persistent intent on expanding one’s own level of consciousness

The persistent intent on expanding one’s own level of consciousness is fundamental for evolution. This impulse accompanies the being, perpetuates and continuously grows, becoming increasingly direct and pure. It is called “devotion”.

At an early age, it is in general well defined, but it is gradually distorted as time goes by, with normal upbringing. Upbringing leads the individual to activities on a horizontal level, of struggle for survival, whereas devotion leads them to seek higher levels. When you have an ideal, the most important thing is not to concretize it, but to converge the energy of devotion towards it, and, thus, attain higher levels of consciousness. In certain cases, it is good for the progress of the inner being that an ideal come true; in other cases, to disillusion from the object of devotion is more adequate, in view of the succeeding stages of evolution.

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Under the impulse of devotion

Under the impulse of devotion, the individual goes through distinct stages: first they have veneration for something or someone; then the veneration is transferred to an idea or an ideal, and they make an effort to keep a sharp image of it in their being. Then persistence on the goal, an effect of devotion, fosters the crisis that leads them to detach from forms and to open to the totality of life. This energy supplies to them a vast field of work.

To be devoted and at the same time to desidentify oneself from the object of devotion is something to be learned, and demands overcoming tests. The individual feels liberated if they understand the positive side to being led by a higher energy into compulsorily disconnecting oneself from the object of devotion. They lose nothing: as they move away from form, they approach the essence, which is immortal. Therefore, this energy constructs and at the same time destroys. The objects of veneration are destroyed so that the being may embody the essence of each one of them. But when a deeper state of union with the essence of the individual is established in their life, the issue of where to channel the devotion becomes secondary; from this stage one, they can know what service truly is.

Fulfill the spiritual law

Devotion, which begins with inner awakening, moves the individual to fulfill the spiritual law, and not the material law. Devotion is not a passive attitude, an emotional surrender nor pseudo-contemplation. It is conscious readiness, accompanied by self-forgetting and faith for service and for the application of evolutionary law. Through devotion, subtler vibratory states can be attained, without which true surrender of the being to the center of their own consciousness cannot take place.

For this reason, the material bodies must be impregnated with reverence for the Supreme Life, immanent in the whole Universe. Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591) associates beauty and clarity of the tones of twilight to devotion, to the flame that meets more potent fire. Devotion is what leads the aspiring one to continue, although the clashes of external life may try to exhaust their strength. It is what makes them advance even in periods of darkness, because it increases their faith.

Devotion is the flame with which humanity elevates itself

Velas Fogo Ardente

Devotion is the flame with which humanity elevates itself. It is in the impulse that leads the being to the depths of consciousness seeking perfection. It is in the lights of the vessels that silently cross the sky in glory to the One Who sends them at service. It is in the adhesion of the human being who, without completely understanding supramental reality, surrenders to it: devotion enlightens them, making them see the grandeur of the Spirit.


Article from (newspaper) “O Tempo”: A devoção é fundamental na ampliação da consciência (“Devotion is fundamental in the expansion of consciousness”, in free translation)
Date of publication: August 12, 2018
Text extracted from the book “Glossário Esotérico” (Esoteric Lexicon) by Trigueirinho, pages 115 and 116.
Irdin Audio – Complete at: A Voz de Amhaj