The way

The most adequate way to live the stages of suffering and of pain is to go with decided courage through the tests that are presented to us, seeking to understand the mechanism that moves them.

The peace

The peace we can experience through these events is much more real and broad than that of the moments of happiness known by the personality in its common life on the Earth.


Whether it is brought by some illness, by an accident or by any other discomfort, suffering comes to warn us, in general, that something out of order needs to be revised and transformed in our life. It may happen, nevertheless, that instead of turning to this discovery, we may be led by our emotional body to find satisfaction in increasing the pain, as we feel compensated by the help or compassion that we obtain through it.

Physical suffering will decrease if we do not give it excessive importance and if we deal with it with simplicity, and as is necessary. On the other hand, if we feed it with fears, doubts or rejections, it will increase.

The first task of physical suffering is to prepare the body to be less susceptible to imbalance. The second task is to lead the body to learn how not to go through acute pains. If we keep a correct attitude before the pain, that is, if we do not complain and if we do not become anxious to get rid of it, we will observe that it will disappear when it reaches a certain degree of intensity.

To know that the physical body, as well as the other bodies of ours, is capable of perfectly enduring what is its due as inevitable experience, that is, as an experience sent by the higher levels of our consciousness, can help us deal in a correct way concerning this.

The third task of the action of pain lies in a more subtle stage of development of consciousness. In this stage, suffering undergoes a metamorphosis and appears as a feeling of comfort never experienced before, not even inside the greatest happiness that may have been within the reach of the person. Thus, they learn to perceive that the divine Joy exists in any situation and that it can make itself even more visible in the moments from which it might, at first, seem to be absent.

Announced by instructors

Such truths, which had already been announced by instructors that experienced in their bodies the work done by suffering, were confirmed by me, José Trigueirinho Netto, through a woman who had a malign tumor in the brain.

In the last days of her incarnation, the woman, who had much pain, declared to me that she not only had learned to co-exist with them, but that she felt a great relief in their acutest moments. She declared to me that there are no words to describe in how many senses her points of view had changed about most facts of her life. I remember she transmitted deep contentment, as if her task were fulfilled and, upon seeing her, I perceived in a subtle and intuitive way that my inner world received many reflections of what was happening with her.

The service that can be rendered by someone who suffers with courage and balance

I saw, thus, by the effects that I observed in myself, the service that can be rendered by someone who suffers with courage and balance. Besides the testimony of true and unshakeable life, a strong energy undoubtedly radiated from her, reinforcing the deepest convictions of my being.