The germination of seeds

The germination of seeds takes place in three stages: the first stage is the imbibition stage, where the germination begins with the entry of water, and whose duration depends on each seed. The second stage is called germination, where there is a generalized activation of seed metabolism and growth. The third stage, known as growth, is characterized by an increase in metabolic activity.


Sprouts and shoots

Sprouts and shoots are full of minerals and nutrients like vitamin A and B, as well as many other compounds and phitochemicals that help prevent and treat diseases. The most important role of the shoots and sprouts is to offer vitality to people who are always tired, especially those who take care for others. When one puts the soul and the heart in everything what is done, wether at work or at home, by resonance these foods have the ability to strengthen.

Sprouds and shoots have phytoestrogens, as well as rebalancing and restoration hormones such as progesterone, estrogens and testosterone. This is how they can collaborate with the hormonal regeneration of the adrenal glands, thyroid and the rest of the endocrine system of a women who has given birth.

Helping in the detoxification

They also have high concentrations of mineral salts, aminoacids and enzymes that are responsible for the chemical synthesis of neurotransmitters, helping in the detoxification of heavy metals of the brain, thereby rejuvenating and strengthening the neurons, which indirectlly helps prevent and even reverse biochemical processes that favor the appearance of Alzheimer’s, dementia, memory loss and states of mental confusion.

They also help repair the skin because of their more than 60 minerals, including iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, chromium and molybdenum. They can have anti-proliferative action, controlling infections and irregular cell growth (such as cancer). These foods have a big probiotic effect and become one of the best sources of microorganisms that play a key role in the endogenous production of vitamin B12 in the small intestine.

Seeds of new opportunities

Sprouts and shoots are especially useful when there is a sense of loss, grieving processes, be it through friendship, career or any other material or immaterial loss. These little messengers of hope help to transmute mental states of mourning and loss, opening a door to a new reality in which seeds of new opportunities are planted.

Irdin Audio: Visão ética e valor oculto da alimentação (Ethical vision and occult value of feeding)
Complete audio:
Time range: from 14’56” to 17’54”