The Planetary Network-of-Light promotes on February 12 thru 14, in the Nucleus-of-Light of the Holy Heaven, located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the ‘Meeting among Nucleus-of-Light, Monasteries and Network-of-Light’, all affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation. Members linked to five Nuclei-of-Light from Brazil and Europe will participate in the event.

Núcleo Sagrado Céu - Acácia Imperial - Primavera de 2015

Nucleus Sacred Heaven – Acacia Imperial – Spring 2015

The Meeting will have the participation of the coordinators of the Fraternidade, of the Nuclei-of-Light and of the Monasteries connected to them, besides the coordinators of the Regions of the Network-of-Light where the Nuclei are located: Belo Horizonte, Portugal, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo. 25 people are expected to participate.

The objective of the Meeting is to strengthen the integration among all the members involved. ‘Each Nucleus-of-Light, whose aspiration is fraternal and group life, works in an integrated way with residents and members of the Network-of-Light groups. The activities of service, group life, prayer and study of each Nucleus-of-Light is directly connected to the participation and collaboration of all. The meeting has as its proposal strengthening this integration’, says Nadjana, one of the coordinators of the Planetary Network-of-Light.

Each group will make a presentation inspired by the theme of ‘The Blessings of Mary in each one of Us’, where the reality and activities of each Nucleus will be presented and discussed, as well as its interactions with the Network-of-Light and the Monastery.

During the meeting a “sharing” of Trigueirinho will be exhibited directly from the Community-of-Light of Figueira, and there will also be the transmission of the Vigil of Prayer and Aparition of Mary, from the Marian Center of Aurora.

The members of the Nucleus of the Sacred Heart, the Monastery of the Grace and the League Network-of-Light Europe will participate via Skype.

See the schedule below:
