Friar Luciano, general manager of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), was one of the participants in the opening table of the 2nd Symposium of Children and Adolescents: The Common Good – Education for Emergency Times, whose objective was to contribute for the technical and emotional strengthening of education professionals, so that they can be better prepared to work with migrant children and adolescents who are in the public educational system, but who live in a vulnerable situation. The seminar was also destined to the professionals of the Federal University of Roraima, the host and one of the organizers of the event, together with Fraternidade.

Focusing on Emergency Pedagogy and in the guidelines of the Alliance for Childhood, the Seminar had a multidisciplinary team, from coordinators and pedagogical instructors of the city, state and federal levels, to professionals of organizations and agencies, which daily deal with the impacts of the Venezuelan migratory crisis in the context of education in Roraima, the state in the bordering region of Brazil with Venezuela, where is sheltered the greatest part of the refugees that come from that country.

The Emergency Pedagogy has the aim of helping children and youths who live in zones of catastrophe, war or in a situation of social vulnerability to overcome their traumatic experiences, by means of the stabilizing measures based on Waldorf Pedagogy. With these initiatives, the intention is to minimize disorders of post-traumatic stress, as it is believed that non-overcome traumas can disturb the development of a child in a lasting manner. In Brazil, the Emergency Pedagogy cannot reach all traumatized children and youths. Therefore, the work has the current priority of addressing teachers and educators who work in social organizations.

Promoting actions of experience and inspiration, the Alliance for Childhood wants to have adults observe children with closer attention, be enchanted by their acts and enchant their relation with them and thus transform and give fullness to the childhood stage. A stage that is always held within each adult, in their emotional, intellectual and physical maturity. Accompany a little the lecture of Friar Luciano in this video, and understand what results are expected when these teaching methods are applied.