For the Divine Energy to be able to penetrate

In a given point of the spiritual ascension, even though the being knows they have neutralized in themselves what was blocking them or was paralyzing them on the path, they nevertheless know there is still a long way to go. Their gait is secure, but their heart is not completely mature, as the structures they have build in themselves, to resist the attacks and harassment that come from outside or from their own being, have become a stronghold that must be demolished, for the Divine Energy to be able to penetrate.

This is the moment on the path in which the being will not count on themselves anymore for the subjects of the soul and of the spirit, because their mind and their emotions are about to fail. Then, their spiritual and cosmic life will be able to enter and pervade the individual.

The resistance to this transformation

Well, if it is something so wonderful and divine, why is there resistance to this transformation? What occurs here is that their test is based on Faith, and as long as it is not confirmed in the surrender of everything, the spiritual transformation cannot take place. At this point of the path, surrender is already a part of their life, but it is not complete yet, nor sufficient, for this entrance of the cosmic energy, with all the necessary potency, to transfigure the being internally.

The “consciousness of a test”

When the “consciousness of a test” is already present, and the being begins their greater surrender, sustained only by Faith, they will find the “dark night” of the soul and of the spirit. That is, they have surrendered what they had and they will not get it back, but they have not received the Divine Energy that will liberate them, as the mental and emotional structures have not fallen down completely yet.

Everything becomes dark and similar to darkness, as the Light hides for the test to be real and for the being, in spite of the solitude, of the void and of the insistent attacks of the inimical forces, to be able to confirm the Light and their love for God. Because it is easy to love the Light being in it and to affirm the divine in days of enthusiasm. But to affirm the victory of God when one cannot feel Him is only for those who possess true Faith.

From the awakening of the spiritual quest, the being is prepared to live this “night”, which will leave them naked before the hidden stars, for them to show to the Universe what matter their intention is made of and what truly motivates their aspiration. To see the radiance of the stars, the individual will have to live with bravery and humility, renewed by their own Faith.

The heart matured by Love and by Faith

With the heart matured by Love and by Faith, and filled with the remembrance of their Divine Essence, the individual will receive a great impulse from the cosmos, and will not allow themselves to leave their goal anymore, even still imperfect. Therefore, it is a trustable being before God, a companion in the battlefields.

The individual who has matured in their ascending rise should remember that Faith is not measured by what is believed, but by what can be hidden beyond the beliefs and that is still unknown. On the other hand, treason arises when the creature considers itself greater than the Creator; to surrender before the Creation liberates many souls from the yoke of treason.

Forget oneself, and to merge in the Whole

As it absorbs the divine impulses, the expansion derived will move the core of the being for them to adapt to the new vibration. At this moment, there should not be any attempt to understand or feel. It is wiser to forget oneself, and to merge in the Whole, for the transformations to take place in peace.

Article of reference: Jornal (Newspaper) O Tempo, of October 16, 2016
Name of the article: The presence of love and of faith in the stages of the ascending path
Irdin Audio: Portas do saber
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Audio time: 31’39 a 35’35