Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the themeicone-audio


Gratitude to the wind

Let us imagine that someone walks on a trail knowing it will not take them to the destiny that awaits them, but not managing to stop treading it. They seek a way of entering the right direction, but they end up remaining on this track. Suddenly, a strong wind blows them to where they should be. Even thou they may get wounded and bruised as they are thus taken, they will, after experiencing this change, express sincere gratitude to the wind that placed them in the right place.

This situation represents the current state of rescuable humanity. A part of humanity knows it is living something that opposes the Greater Law of God; it is fully aware of the degeneration of the standards of current society, but it continues immersed in this decadent state of affairs.

For the new to be implemented

In order for the new to be implemented, it is necessary to break the crystalized structures that imprison the flow of energy. Amidst the absence of habit, of mental and material schemes, the light of truth emerges. It reveals the steps to be taken to each being that can unify itself to that which, even being unknown to them, brings them renewal.

It is common to yearn for peace in times of pain and conflict, but for peace to be established in human consciousness, it is necessary for it to be continuously sought for. Peace is an inner state in which the individual places themselves in perfect attunement with the spiritual reality. It is not prone to be disturbed by the inconstancies of the mind or of the emotions. When it makes itself present, the being is capable of expressing equanimity both in calm situations and in the tempestuous ones.

To signal to human beings the existence of sublime states has the purpose of placing them in alignment with the occult potential in their own interior. As a fruit of perfection, peace may seem far from the current possibilities of life on Earth, but his apparent distance is reduced when the consciousness leaps with decision toward this state.

Tomorrow has since ever been written in the book of Eternity, but the way it presents itself is created the moment it manifests. The evolution of the human being aims at allowing them to acquire virtues that may raise their consciousness to subtle levels, beyond matter. While life unfolds, patiently, in an inner way, the spirit weaves the patterns of these virtues in the consciousness of the being.


Patience with the evolution of a being

Very necessary is patience with the evolution of a being. A fruit picked from the tree too early has its process of maturation damaged. Each consciousness has its precise moment of detaching completely from earthly life. Only then will it be capable of fully self-donating.

When an individual stops working for themselves, miracles begin to take place. Today, several people already live for the sheer fulfilling of the Laws of God, and thus advance. Seen from far-off stars, such process equals the potent light of a sun rising from the center of the Earth and shining externally.

Supreme is the beauty of a construction made by hands that work in harmony; hand that, united, leave individuality and give form to the Supreme Will. In many individuals, the attraction of spiritual, profound life is overcoming the connections created with the world. For this reason, the doors to the celestial universes are closer to humanity.

The lights of sublime virtues

A spiritual instruction says that all we can do for tomorrow to be like a radiant dawn on Earth is to feed in ourselves the lights of awakening, the lights of sublime virtues.

Book by Trigueirinho: Mensagens para sua transformação (Messages for your transformation), page 111
Name of the chapter of the book: As luzes do despertar e das virtudes sublimes (The lights of awakening and of sublime virtues)
Irdin audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 708 (Talks with Trigueirinho # 708)
Complete audio:
Audio time range: 21’48” to 23’10”