Even with its activities suspended in times of social distancing, the Light-Nucleus of Figueira in São Paulo, affiliated with the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), has kept up their support at a distance for their community. Since the beginning of April, basic needs baskets, fresh food, hygiene and cleaning products are being donated to the neediest families of the Vila Tonato, in Carapicuíba, a metropolitan area of São Paulo.
It is the leaders of the community themselves who on a weekly basis identify the people who are experiencing the greatest difficulty in obtaining food, and communicate this to the volunteers of the Service Group of the Light-Nucleus of Figueira in Sao Paulo.
Vanessa Nering, a resident of the community, delivered the basic needs baskets to the neighbors who can’t leave their homes. “Here there are a lot of people in need, with no job because of the quarantine. When they receive the basket, their eyes shine, and they smile and are appreciative.”
Those who can, receive the baskets directly from the partner establishments. “One person helping another to bring relief to the pain of a brother or sister,” comments Solange Zendron, a volunteer of the group and responsible for the collection of the monetary resources. “We continue staying within our homes, but are active all the time,” she emphasizes.
Also being distributed in the Vila Tonato are more than 500 masks for protection against the coronavirus, which were made by local seamstresses and leaders of the community with fabrics and elastic received as donations.
To find out more and participate in the activities, write to: nucleosp@comunidadefigueira.org.br